Silene is a member of the Spanish Iniciativa Comunales, from the Network for the learning of protected natural areas of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (PALNet), and is linked with the IUCN Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Natural Areas, of the World Commission for Protected Areas of the International.
Silene collaborates with:
- Public, communal or private organizations responsible for protected natural areas of Germany, Catalonia, Spain and Finland.
- NGOs and private entities with common interests in Catalonia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Mexico and Romania.
- Catholic, Orthodox and Buddhist monasteries and hermitages located in protected natural areas of Europe, Middle East and the Caucasus region
Silene is a member of the Spanish Iniciativa Comunales, from the Network for the learning of protected natural areas of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (PALNet), and is linked with the IUCN Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Natural Areas, of the World Commission for Protected Areas of the International.
Silene collaborates with:
- Public, communal or private organizations responsible for protected natural areas of Germany, Catalonia, Spain and Finland.
- NGOs and private entities with common interests in Catalonia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Mexico and Romania.
- Catholic, Orthodox and Buddhist monasteries and hermitages located in protected natural areas of Europe, Middle East and the Caucasus region
- Selvans
- BN - federal Agency for Nature Conservation
- CMAP - Comisión mundial de áreas protegidas
- Comissió d'Educació i Polítiques Ambientals
- Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu
- Europarc España
- Parc natural de la Serralada de Montsant
- Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas
- Institud d'Estudis Catalans
- Universitat de Girona
- XCT - Xarxa de custòdia del territori
- Ecomuseu de les Valls d'Àneu
- Delos Initiative
- DG Patrimoni Cultural Catalunya